How do you choose a divorce solicitor? – step-by-step guide

In this guide you will learn how to choose a professional divorce solicitor and not make a bad choice. Is it possible to get the division of property affordable and of high quality? After reading the article you will certainly find out.

What does a divorce lawyer do?

A divorce solicitor is involved in handling the legal aspects of the entire divorce process from start to finish. When considering how to file for divorce, the first thing you should be interested in is choosing a solicitor who, both in court and before the hearing, will ensure the entire process goes as smoothly as possible.

A specialist in this field should have in-depth knowledge not only of legal science, but also of the psychology of family relations, making his or her participation in solving the problem not only desirable, but also necessary.

What legal services does a divorce lawyer provide?

  • Developing a defence strategy and creating several scenarios for the potential termination of the divorce conflict;
  • Assisting in determining the value of joint property and its division;
  • Gathering and preparing all kinds of documentation;
  • Protecting the legitimate interests of the principal in court, even in his/her absence;
  • Provision of legal advice;
  • Appeals against decisions of higher courts.

Only the basic services a divorce lawyer deals with are listed.

Divorce solicitor, when do you need their services? – overview of possible scenarios

If, after several years of family life, the spouses have decided to divorce without any claims to each other, they can do so by simply contacting the registry office – provided they have no minor children. However, there are situations in which such a simplified procedure does not apply and the assistance of a divorce lawyer is required. Let us consider the main reasons for such situations.

Reason 1 – Lack of consent to divorce by one spouse

Spouses are not always in agreement about continuing to live together. One often adopts a defensive attitude and does not want to divorce under any pretext. In such a case, it is the lawyer’s task to convince the opposing party that the legal costs of divorce are unnecessary and to resolve the situation peacefully.

If it is impossible to reach an agreement, the lawyer provides legal assistance for the initiation and conduct of the trial. His or her task is to convince the judge of the validity of the prosecutor’s claims against the spouse and the impossibility of continuing the marriage.

Reason 2 – Presence of minor children

Since in divorce proceedings the state primarily upholds the interests of children, only the judge decides on the divorce. Consequently, legitimate questions may arise about the placement of minor children. Often parents disagree on the party with whom their children will live, presenting mutual claims.

A law firm in Lublin should have specialists able to competently understand the situation and present a reasoned conclusion to the judge about the possibility of one parent raising the child.

Reason 3 – Abrogation of one spouse’s presence in the divorce proceedings

Another reason the registry office may override the consideration of the divorce of the spouses is if one of the spouses is absent from the court hearing or the registry office. In such a case, a divorce solicitor will assist in drafting the documents, writing the petition for divorce to the court and, if necessary, searching for the evading spouse.

How do you choose a divorce lawyer? – step by step

If the spouses do not have any special claims against each other during the divorce, the entire divorce process goes smoothly. Otherwise, the best way to avoid uncomfortable situations is to use a professional lawyer.

Disagreements over the placement of a child in the home of one of the parties, disagreements over the division of assets in a divorce situation or the existence of financial obligations to credit institutions are all cases in which the services of a divorce lawyer are strongly recommended.

To have a better chance of successfully concluding these cases, you must be able to choose an effective and efficient lawyer with a modern approach to the client.

Step 1 – Make your choice in favour of a solicitor with a particular specialisation

To be guaranteed legal assistance from a professional, a divorce lawyer from Lublin should deal with specific services. The Lublin solicitor’s office should deal with divorce proceedings and family matters in its circle of specialisation.

Such specialists have extensive experience in procedural matters, family psychology and even pedagogy. Unlike attorneys in general practice, they always consider the best interests of the children and do not neglect the mental state of the client. Moreover, a lawyer specialised in a particular field, in this case divorce, should help you with your preparations. The specialist will not expect you to ask “how do I file for divorce?”. He or she will advise you himself or herself, of course, within the framework of acting with a legal practice how to prepare such documents, and how to prepare for divorce proceedings.

Step 2 – Don’t aim to save money when choosing a solicitor

Regardless of how much it costs to obtain a court divorce, you do not need to economise on solicitor services. Remember that it is not only your financial situation that is at risk, but also the mental health of you and your children, who may suffer because of the unprofessional actions of a poorly chosen solicitor.

Step 3 – Carefully study the reputation of the divorce solicitor

If you encounter a solicitor you are interested in, don’t rush into a contract with him or her. First ask for details, find out about his or her experience and specialisations. As a last resort, read reviews on the internet. The best proof of a solicitor’s qualification is documents of cases won.

Step 4 – Choose a solicitor who will share with you his or her thoughts on the chosen strategy

After discussing your case with your solicitor for the first time, observe whether he or she discusses defence strategies with you. This is an important step in divorce proceedings. A good solicitor will always coordinate with their client in advance.

Do not trust someone who does their work in silence. This can lead to surprises that you do not need at all. Any changes in the line of defence must be known.

Step 5 – Do not work with solicitors who will guarantee you a positive result

A divorce solicitor in Lublin is not a prophet. A specialist’s assurance of a 100% guarantee of winning in court can distort the perception of his or her reliability and experience. A specialist in his field will only indicate the degree of probability of obtaining certain results and list the conditions for obtaining the most attractive result. Cheap self-promotion is a bad sign of a lawyer.